Yoga and Social Equity
Yoga Nidra 101
My prenatal yoga home practice
Energy & subtle body
Notes on Teaching Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Lessons Learned from Honor Don’t Appropriate Yoga: Part II
What is TIMBo?: Trauma-Informed Mind Body Healing
Yoga for the Homeless of Boston: Part IV
Lessons learned from my first 1,000 hours of teaching yoga
Chair Yoga in Spanglish: Part III
5-minute yoga sequence to lose weight FAST
Teaching Chair Yoga in Spanglish: Part II
Uniting Yoga with Social Justice: Speaking with Seane Corn about REVOLUTION OF THE SOUL
Spanglish Chair Yoga with Hands to Heart Center
Yoga for the Homeless of Boston: Part III
Trauma’s Impact on Public Health
Music and Mindfulness
Prenatal Yoga 101: Empowerment through breath and movement
Teaching a puppy to do savasana
A meditation on love