Here's a new gentle yoga class focused on the hands as energetic extensions of the heart.
Enjoy this heart-centered practice with your favorite furry animal, and practice along with this Spotify playlist titled "Hands to Heart" starting at 45 seconds (right after the introduction).
You can practice directly on this page using the video below or follow this link to my YouTube page:
For poetry lovers, here's the full text of Mary Oliver's When the Roses Speak, I Pay Attention:
"As long as we are able to
be extravagant we will be
hugely and damply
extravagant. Then we will drop
foil by foil to the ground. This
is our unalterable task, joyfully."
And they went on, "Listen,
the heart-shackles are not as you think,
death, illness, pain,
unrequited hope, not loneliness, but
lassitude, rue, vainglory, fear, anxiety,
Their fragrance all the while rising
from their blind bodies, making me
spin with joy.
And as always, please remember my yoga classes should never substitute for the guidance of any trained medical provider or mental health professional. Yoga comes with risks, including serious physical injuries, emotional damage, and spiritual crisis/awakening. Please practice at your own risk.